About Us

WHS SHIPPING DMCC (WHSS) is a company duly registered under the Dubal Multi Commodities Centre Authority, set up in January 2023, registration number DMCC195738 and services license number DMCC-872091- as a Free Zone Company, to support the expansion of the BSM Group outside of Indonesia. At WHSS we are licenced to Own, Manage, Operate, Charter Marine assets, including Commercial fixtures and Freight collection on behalf of the Owners.

The Company is primarily engaged in Ship Owning: WGM 209 TBRN WHS 201. Multipurpose Utility Tug) primarily for use offshore in the Middle east Chartering and Operations. We have chartered in the North Wave 1 (NW 1) from its owners to Manage the asset including Chartering, Commercial & Technical Ship Management and Crewing. The NW 1 is a self-propelled Crane barge mounted with 2 Cranes with a SWL of 35 mt on 30 mtr outreach and SWL 30 mt on 38 mtr outreach, providing Offshore Cargo Loading & Unloading Services of bulk minerals such as Bauxite, Iron ore and manganese ore from flat top barges or coasters on to Ocean going vessels ranging from Supramax and Kamsarmax to Cape size ( Newcastlemax with a maximum beam of 50 metre).

WHSS is further looking at Chartering in another Multi utility Tug (PB282) for the Offshore industry in the Middle east and is currently in advanced negotiation with Zaker Marine International (an ADNOC subsidiary) for a possible long-term Charter. In keeping with our 2 decade long experience and expertise gained from our Indonesia operations and the mission statement of the BSM Group, our intention for WHSS is to diversify our interests and add other similar assets to operate and manage comprehensively, for the constantly growing mineral mining and export from West Africa, as well as to service the growing need for Tugs of a certain specification for the offshore industry in the Middle east.